Category Archives: Healing Through Art

Healing through Art

The past year of spreading COVID-19 left many people in the United States and around the world with emotional and economic challenges. If you need something to lift your spirit and interrupt negative thoughts, an art project might be the answer. Decades of research reveal creative activities decrease blood pressure, improve memory, and lower stress.

You don’t have to be a painter or sculptor. The healing power of art comes in many forms; numerous activities produce health benefits. If you are interested in painting, but not sure what to paint, visit your local art center for ideas or check out YouTube art tutorials. Take a class in the comfort of your home. If you are not the painting type, consider other art forms. How about singing or learning to play an instrument? Do you have a guitar or some other instrument lying dormant? Dust it off and reteach yourself to make a little music.

Writing prose and poetry, gardening or nurturing house plants – all can improve emotional health and well-being.

Exercise is an important component in stress reduction and health, take a walk and bring a camera. If you are up with the birds, share the experience by taking photographs of the ever-changing sunrise each morning. If you like to sleep in, take sunset photos on your evening walk.

In The Healing Power of Art, an article written by art therapist Megan Carleton at Massachusetts General Hospital, she stated, “Once people engage, they often realize they are having fun and the time passes faster.” If your days seem long, an art project can provide a positive distraction and a connection with family members or friends.

You don’t have to be in the same room to create and share art. Five women, three Lipstick Logic sisters and two of our friends living thousands of miles apart, in Minnesota, Montana, and Hawaii, are creating art together. The pandemic has kept us apart physically but close in spirit via the internet.

While talking to each other we realized we were in a slump and needed a good challenge to jump start our energy to get us over the pandemic finish line. Knowing we each loved art, we came up with the 2021 plan called “An Artsy Challenge.” We will share a piece of art at the end of each month.

Why not join us?

Call a few friends or create art projects with your kids. Come up with your own Artsy Challenge for the year ahead. Knitting, baking, mosaics, paint by number, creating with clay – the list goes on. Any new endeavor has the power to shift a person’s mind and energy in a positive direction. Having others join your group will help you stay committed and connected. Creating something new is inspiring and transformative. Heal yourself through artistic expression.

We would love to learn about or see your finished projects. And we all hope your happiness factor improves by simply adding art and camaraderie to your life.

Betty, Bev, Brenda, Christina and Chieko /Lipstick Logic Artsy Challenge Members